One of the club’s traditional summer programme meet ups was a shoot from Mousehold Heath viewing point which overlooks Norwich.

Quite a few club members met up and we made our way from the car park on Britannia Road to the viewing point, only a few minutes walk away.

The view is something to behold with the cathedral dominating the skyline. We didn’t have anything decent in terms of a sunset or golden hour light but everyone took some shots anyway.

Here’s a couple of shots I took in 2022:

Shots from August 2022

I decided to shoot the scene and make the view of Norwich more of a background with the foliage dominating the foreground.

I quite liked this scene

I decided I ought to take a closer zoomed in image and was trying to be careful with the focus elements of the foreground plantation. It didn’t quite work out as I had hoped.

Zoomed in

We all chatted a lot as there was nothing developing from the somewhat bland sky.

I took a shot looking back towards Norwich Prison barracks, or what was more recently the Britannia Café.

Not bad Rodney… not bad…

And that was a wrap.

No real “Wow” shots, no dramatic sky, unfortunately.

I would visit this place more often but the evening attracts boy racers and “youths” so it’s not somewhere I would feel safe on my Tod.

Maybe one day, I’ll witness a more dramatic sunset sky and bag something eye-catching.

Onwards and upwards…