Two of us met at Southwold for sunrise, which is a location that always offers something for the photographer.

After a quick scout around, we headed for the town side of the pier.

I took my initial shot.

Southwold seafront with lighthouse in the scene

Turning around, I set up my tripod to catch the waves and the sunrise was developing quite fast.

One of my favourites

Of course, I captured a lot of shots here. As always, trying to capture my best combo of textured water.

The next shot was only four minutes after the one above.

Nikon Z9, 14-30mm@14mm, f/9, 1/3s, ISO 64

I turned to my right and took some shots of this post with the ship on the horizon.

None too shabby

It was time to make our way to the other side of the pier.

I grabbed a shot of the rocks and managed to get a sunstar too, albeit I had to find the right settings.

23mm, f/20, 0.4s, ISO 40

Before I had arrived in Southwold, I had the intention of trying to capture an image similar to that of some of my fellow photographers on our last visit.

The shot would be to shoot the beach huts but stand where the incoming tide would flow past me and provide a different scene.

The shot below was one of the best ones. But there was a price to pay! The swoosh of the incoming water at times splashed over the top of my wellies and down to my socks and feet.

I always carry spare socks so I carried on and took several shots, just embracing the sea water filling my wellies.

Worth wet socks and feet?

I quite liked the diagonal line of the wave in the shot below but it has less interest than the capture above.

Good diagonal but at the expense of insufficient other interest

We had finished for the shoot, but there was time for a couple of shots with the macro lens.

I saw some seaweeds and shells on the rocks.

Close-up shots from the rocks

And that was a wrap.

We wandered back to our cars, had our coffees and a chat about the morning.

On the way home, Ronald snatched my money for a breakfast treat.

It had been a fantastic morning.

Onwards and upwards…