We had reached our last day in the Lake District. 😢

The weather always seems to turn as we’re about to leave a holiday – can’t grumble though, as best to be like that than when we arrive.

Late afternoon arrived, and the weather is getting brighter and by early evening the sun is out.

We decide to take a walk from our cottage up the Helvellyn path – Kathryn wanted to see the Helvellyn Hole in the Wall, but we didn’t have time to get there. One for next time then…

We’re not that far along the path from Glenridding when it’s obvious the views are spectacular.

The view over Glenridding with Ullswater beyond

Thinking of what Chris Sale was telling me about not forgetting portrait orientation, here is a portrait version.

The path (foreground) is obviously more prominent with a portrait

We got to the top and you can see by the next image how the view of Ullswater in the distance comes into view.

A view of Ullswater

We wandered across a field, over a stile and appeared to be descending.

Further down, we came to this ‘in the middle of nowhere’ water which apparently is Lanty’s Tarn.

Lanty’s Tarn

Beautiful Lanty’s Tarn, situated above the village of Glenridding, is a hidden Lakeland gem.

The tarn is situated on Birkhouse Moor, near the summit of a small mound known as Keldas and referred to by Alfred Wainwright in his first book of walks in the Lake District.

We walked past this tarn and through the gate.

The exit (or entrance) at Lanty’s Tarn

As we walked up the hill, the sunset sky looked amazing against the bluebells.

That sky, ooh! (And those bluebells)…

At the top, there was a hint of Ullswater over the trees, and I thought this was worth a click of the shutter button.

Bluebells and Ullswater – great combo!

The path down was a treat as the sky continued to roar in orange and purple tones.

Heading back down

And my last shot of the evening is below.

The last shot from our Lake District trip of 2024

And that was a wrap!

We got back to our cottage for a late supper, and to do some packing.

We were extremely sad to be leaving, with the added dread of going back to work on Monday.

We had a fabulous time, and it’s most definitely not an ‘if’ but ‘when?’ In terms of returning again in future.

Onwards and upwards…