Kathryn had booked us tickets for the Norfolk Lavender Farm as we had never been there before.

Walking into the field, you can soon see the amazing rows of purple colour.

I took a lot of photos – most of the first part of my photo set was with a polariser deployed.

My favourite shot

I was trying hard to vary the type of shot I captured, from patterns of the different coloured rows, to low down close ups of the lavender.

Purple montage

A Brucie bonus was that dotted around the lavender were poppies.

The colour contrast was great.


It was very enjoyable walking along the rows of lavender just to explore and see what catches your eye.

I liked the fan shape

I had to do a close up of the fan-shaped lavender.

I loved the fan-shaped lavender

I had a try at some multiple exposure shots, and quite like this poppy one.

The Twins

I also tried some zoom burst ICM shots – below a montage with the zoom burst centre stage:

Not bad at all…

I managed a shot trying to isolate the lavender and looking up to the sky.

Looking up at the lavender

It was hot and sunny and late morning to early afternoon when we’d were here.

We both got sunburnt! 😬

When we had finished in the fields, we wander back to the farm and had a look around the nursery garden, where more shots were available.

Yellow eyed grass, eutrochium, various lavenders

There were some great shots to be had, and I’ve got quite addicted to painting out the backgrounds in post production.

French lavender and dahlias

One last set…

Crimson bottlebrush, petunia and dandelion

And that was a wrap.

The lavender was great, maybe a few days before it’s peak but we both really enjoyed this visit, and I would definitely recommend a visit.

We had lunch in the café and made our way to Holme, for a beach walk and a call in at the nature hides.

Onwards and upwards…

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