With my recent visit to Aldeburgh on part of Justin Minn’s Suffolk in Summer workshop, I suggested a trip back there for mine and Kathryn’s wedding anniversary.

We had the day off work, and the weather forecast was good so off we went.

We wandered around the shingle beach and one of my first shots was this anchor – I thought I’d get a lower down shot for more impact, and this one required laying on my belly to grab the shot.

Low down view makes something out of nothing

I took a few shots with various boats and the summer flowers – since I’d been here recently on Justin’s workshop, I wanted to look for different compositions.

Montage of boats and flowers

I thought I would try some multiple exposures.

Multiple exposure: 2 shots

I’m not convinced these work but it was fun.

And another

The one below which was a traditional [move / pan the camera] rather than a zoom burst is an epic fail.

Oh dear, oh dear!

A more traditional shot of the boat and flowers looks good.

Not bad at all

Wandering around the nearby boats and shacks led to my next set of shots.


The fishing tackle shop made a good subject for another capture.

Another montage

We wandered across the shingle to enjoy a cup of builders from our flask, then continued up towards the infamous scallop sculpture.

On the way, I liked the look of this patch of flowers on the shingle. In the background is a mound of plantation which looks like a huge cabbage.

Fabulous colours

We then arrived at the Aldeburgh Scallop.

The scallop never ceases to impress, and I grabbed a few shots.

The Aldeburgh Scallop (Montage)

We wandered back towards Aldeburgh town and the following shots were my last.

Final shots

We wandered along the high street, enjoyed a lovely anniversary meal and then headed home.

We had really enjoyed the sunny weather, a great wander around a lovely coastal location.

I enjoyed grabbing some shots and trying to get something a little different.

Onwards and upwards…

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