A sculpture called ‘The Walking Men’ by the artist Laurence Edwards has arrived on the beach at Lowestoft. It’s only here until sometime in August so was worth a visit. You can read more about it here.

The sculpture is impressive and makes for some great photo opportunities – it’s a temporary installation that’s been at various locations around the world.

I decided to dig deep and do a sunrise visit with some other photographers so we could get some good light, and have plenty of space to do our own thing without too many people tripping over each other.

A sunrise at this time of year meant a crippling pre 03:30 rise and shine for a meet at 04:30.

The shoot

We wandered down to the beach and were pleased to see some pleasing colours emerging from the sky.

The most obvious starting shot is to shoot the sculptures side on but being careful to try and get them separated.

‘The Walking Men’

There is a such a precise spot to get the side on shot, we had to take turns. But this was a positive thing because there was plenty of time, and loads of other compositions to try out.

I really enjoyed moving around to get different perspectives of the sculptures, using mostly my ultra-wide angle lens or giving my new 105mm macro lens a whirl.

Some front-on shots

I tried various angled shots:

Those faces!

I was conscious that I wanted something in my keepers bag that wasn’t going to be a side on shot that will be the obvious shot.

My best and favourite shot was the one below which was a long exposure to catch movement in the clouds.

‘No Going Back’ (a 2 mins exposure)

There were a couple of shots I got where I was pleased to get the Kittywake hotels in the background.

One of the walking men in between the Kittywake hotels

I am really pleased with the set I got and the super early get up was well worth it.

A close-up shot with one of the Kittywake hotels

A final series of shots compromised of close-ups of the heads.

Head shots

And that was a wrap.

We had a debrief back at the car, and were very pleased with a relaxing morning, some lovely colours in the sunrise sky, and an interesting shoot.

After months of not donating to Ronald’s ultra-processed, life-shortening, nutrition-less empire, I succumbed to a McShite breakfast muffin faster than a greyhound chasing a rabbit.

On returning home, I went back to bed to catch some Zzzzzs.

Onwards and upwards…