Once our trip to the Lake District was booked, I had this idea of potentially booking a 121 with a photographer I follow on YouTube. Many of those I follow photograph the Lake District and with my newfound experiences of the ‘joys’ of early morning sunrise shoots, I had a think about a few people I follow.

Chris Sale immediately sprang to mind as I’ve enjoyed his channel right from the start as he has switched careers from IT to photography, and in many ways is doing what I would love to do but for various reasons can’t.

Chris’ videos have been very interesting as he has a biographical style explaining how he has developed his business, and the struggles he’s had to endure during Covid which in an instant wiped out much of his planned income.

Having got the requisite domestic clearance, I messaged Chris and asked for a session. He suggested a call to introduce each other and talk more on detail. It was initially very odd speaking to Chris live on the phone in a two-way conversation when I usually just watch him talking on YouTube. I was humbled as Chris referred to me as an accomplished photographer having seen my Instagram. Quite a compliment.

We picked a day during the holiday and I said I’d like to do a sunrise shoot. Chris said he’d come up with some ideas and message me the details. Soon after, Chris had a suggested location which sounded great, Raven Crag. This would be about an hours hike with stunning views over Thirlmere Reservoir. Chris sent me some images he had done at that location so we were set.

Once on holiday, I looked forward to meeting Chris if not the 05:00 get up for a 06:00 meet. I leapt out of bed full of enthusiasm, met Chris and we made the hike up.

A most enjoyable morning was had as we chatted all things photography and about our backgrounds. Chris helped me a lot with focusing, framing, composition and much more and I felt privileged to get to know Chris a bit more.

Chris took a shot of me in action.l,
Chris took a shot of me in action…

I got back to the cottage before lunch and uploaded my images for editing later that day after a nap. I made some notes on what I had learnt and was really pleased with the images from that shoot.

Raven Crag

I enjoyed it so much I booked another session with Chris!

If you’re anywhere near the Lake District and want a superb print or to join one of Chris’ workshops, or a 121, looks Chris up here: https://www.chrissale.co.uk/home