Cromer was the chosen location for a post Christmas sunrise shoot.

We met up at 07:15 and made our way down to the beach.

The tide was surprisingly high and right up to the sea wall. The path that leads down to Cromer pier was blocked off with a metallic barrier.

We could see the beach further up where the tractors are parked so made our way in that direction.

We walked even further up and decided to start shooting.

I fancied trying to get something different and my first few shots were ICM ones with the best two of the morning below.

Intentional camera movement anyone?
Arty and interesting, or a mess?

I think that shot above is probably my best of the morning.

I then concentrated on trying to get some interesting wave patterns (or swooshery) such that I could zoom in and narrow in on something interesting.

Of course, I wanted to repeat the capture from the recent Gunton shoot but knew deep down, this isn’t something easily repeatable.

It’s alright

I was not feeling it on this morning, and it wasn’t helped by an urgent need for the toilet!

I messaged the guys just in case upon seeing me gone, they might think the sea had swept me away.

I jogged along the promenade and with my business attended to, I went to the nearest groyne and took some more shots.

I like the foreground swoosh but this image has nothing else to offer

I persevered with some more wave pattern shots.

“You can’t always get what you want” (1969, Jagger, M. & Richards, K.)

And that was a wrap.

Compared to recent shoots, this one was disappointing, but I can’t expect to rock up at every trip and capture a banger.

One other casual flyby trip worth mentioning is that the day before, Kathryn and I called by East Runton just a few miles up the road.

We only had less than an hour before sunset, and as it turns out, only 45 minutes before rain would soak us.

I wanted to visit here to see the pillbox which had recently featured in a press article as being newly surfacing from the sand.

I took the following ICM shot and am very pleased with the result.

Pretty Decent, and hopefully not Pretty Vacant!

This was my first ever visit to the beach at East Runton and I liked the view of the pier from this beach but other than the pillbox, there doesn’t seem to be much else.

Back to the Cromer shoot…

We wandered back to our cars and since we had all parked at different spots but along the cliff top road, we made our respective ways home.

Of course, Ronald merrily snatched my money for a bacon roll meal and a white coffee and I headed home.

Is there to be a final shoot before the end of 2023? Yes, probably.

Onwards and upwards…