Club members decided on a Christmas Eve sunrise shoot at Southwold.

Meet time was 07:00 and I was looking forward to shooting here again.

On arrival, it was dark so we made our way to the beach to the left of the pier.

I couldn’t help but take some shots here, even though in my mind I wasn’t going to beat last year’s New Years Eve shot that made into this year’s club exhibition.

My fellow club members more preferred starting with shots from the other side of the pier.

Nevertheless, I got a decent shot below but I suppose the sky wasn’t so amazing as last year. However, the sunrise sky was very pleasing and I do like the pattern caused by the receding waves.

For me, there is something addictive about catching a good shot as the sea retreats. Of course, there’s a large element of luck about catching just the right scene, but you do need to set up with a shot in mind.

I made my way to the other side of the pier and grabbed this shot.

I liked the double leading line and there’s plenty of interest in this shot. The sky has two halves to it which might be a little odd but I do like this shot.

The next shot is pleasing but if I’m honest it’s the bird perched on the groyne that adds a little bit of extra interest to the scene.

This next shot I really like due to the pattern in the waves which dominate the foreground and lead the viewers eye in.

I did try a closer crop of this but it means losing some of the foreground which I think is potentially the best part of the shot, and the part that grabs the viewers attention drawing them further into the scene.

Since Southwold is such a well photographed location, it’s always a good idea to see if you can get something a little different.

I walked further up the beach as the morning light was opening up now. I took quite a few shots as the waves came crashing into the beach.

With the sun rapidly rising up into the morning sky, there were some good shots to be had.

As the morning light got brighter, I was really enjoying the moment standing here taking in the sight and sounds of the incoming waves.

These moments are what makes it worth getting up early for, and are usually only met by that energised feeling driving home having seen the best part of the day.

With some good shots in the bag, we made our way back to the cars, poured our hot drinks from our flasks and had a chat about all things photography.

We talked about squeezing in one more sunrise shoot before the new year rolls in, and weather permitting. This may or may not happen, but the next blog in the pipeline is my Best 9 of 2022.

Onwards and upwards…