POTY Digital League Round 3 (Seeing Double)
The image I think will be a top scorer doesn’t break the 8/10 barrier.
The image I think will be a top scorer doesn’t break the 8/10 barrier.
A longer trip to Felixstowe in Suffolk drops plenty of keepers into the bag.
Southwold is the location for the last sunrise shoot of 2023 and delivers something different.
I struggle to bag any real keepers but the previous day gives me a shot I’m really pleased to capture.
A sunrise trip to Gunton (Corton) bags swooshery of the highest order!
An amazing sunrise at Cart Gap bags some lovely images.
A sunrise visit to Caister with low expectations delivers a cracker!
A visit to Walberswick in Suffolk with an epic sunrise delivers a set of keepers.
The print competition awards me duplicate scores and plenty to think about moving forward.